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Arrow HELPS Business Leaders turn ideas into STRATEGIeS...  And proceed from strategies to execution.


Arrow helps leaders turn their ideas into the business plans that are the foundation of company performance.  Clear plans provide a basis to focus and align resources.   They are essential for communicating internally with your team and externally with investors and partners.  

With clear plans in place, Arrow helps with execution.  We can help you raise investment, close acquisitions, build capabilities, align costs and seal partnerships.  We can help you assess your market or adjacent markets… and benchmark against your competitors.




setting priorities

Arrow is expert at working with management teams to identify growth opportunities.  We flush out the possible initiatives and quantify the potential impact of each on sales and profit.  We help identify the investment required by initiative and then help set priorities, based on capability, scale, risk and lead time.  Finally, Arrow helps you pin down an implementation plan, initiative by initiative.

turnaround and realignment

Identifying and analysing segmental profitability is a core Arrow skill.  We can run analysis by product category, by brand, by activity or by function.  The analysis then informs a dialogue with the management team, to help identify priorities and focus resources.

mergers and acquisitions

Organic growth requires a lot of patience, but a well-executed acquisition will sometimes fast-forward your ambitions.  And acquisition may be the only way to access unique assets such as sites or brands.  

We can help you screen potential targets, build business cases and conduct focused due diligence.  We are expert in negotiating terms with vendors, and streamlining the interaction with your preferred legal, tax and accounting advisers.   More importantly, we can help prepare for integration, to ensure the deal realises your key objectives.


raising investment.


We have operated successfully on both sides of the investment divide.  We have raised seed capital and growth capital ourselves, and we also have extensive experience as “principal,” both as financial investors and as trade investors.  

This means we are expert in building a financial plan that “narrates your growth story in numbers” for an investor audience.  We are also expert in building the accompanying slide deck or narrative that provides context and colour.



capabilities and partnerships.


If you need to re-organise in response to an external imperative, for example to integrate an acquisition or to reduce your fixed cost base, we know exactly how to help.  But even without a stimulus, we can align the organisation to the results you seek, based on an initial diagnostic.

Where you need to grow or bolster capabilities in one area, we can help shape and develop the requirement. The most appropriate solution may be a training programme, recruitment or a third-party service contract.  If the capability deficit is in a critical area, the best solution may be a partnership or joint venture.  We can help you screen partners, and negotiate relevant terms. 

markets and competitors.


Competitor and market analysis are core Arrow competencies.

We are expert at narrowing a notional market definition, to identify a true “addressable” market, and we are expert at highlighting the influences driving market dynamics.  We are experienced in applying these competences to services, consumer goods and also to durables, where you need to look at market penetration and saturation to draw meaningful conclusions.  We can also brief-in and analyse the relevant market research, to ensure that conclusions derive from current customer sentiment.

We are well-versed at analysing competitor strategy and competitor economics.  For example, we can tell you your relative cost position, or whether your pricing strategy is appropriate to your cost base.